Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Public Policy Polling and automatic polls

How Public Policy Polling (PPP) Gathers Data

Data is expensive. The time and resources it takes to gather accurate statistics make for data collection companies which cost hundreds of dollars for subscriptions to their results. But data quality matters: quality data builds quality insights. PPP strives collect quality data economically:
-       Using Interactive Voice Response (IVR)
o   Using an automated system to ask questions costs much less than employing a person to ask the questions.
o   It also can reduce interviewer bias because each participant is asked the same questions in the same tone.

-       Calling only registered voters
o   PPP builds its samples from state voter registrations.
o   Polling registered voters is more accurate responses than random calls because researchers can know that the respondent is able to vote.
o   Voter registration data also gives PPP the gender, race, party affiliation, age, address, precinct, municipality, county, districts, and voter history of participants

There are downsides. Few people enjoy being called by pollsters and even fewer like it when the voice on the other line is computerized. If they decline to participate, the integrity of the data is questionable. However, this is one of the best ways to conduct the surveys when it comes to affordability.  
by Charlie Perschau


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