Wednesday, November 2, 2016

CBS News and Random Digit Dialing

CBS News Poll Methodologies
CBS News conducts surveys by telephone of anyone 18 years or older living in the continental United States. The sample of participants is random and is not chosen based on race, age or any other characteristic. In order to conduct the surveys, CBS gathers telephone numbers through a random search done entirely by the computer. This process is a probability sample called “random-digit dialing”, which gives every home an equal chance of being called by their interviewers, provided they have a landline. In general, CBS talks to 1,000 people out of the random sample they have determined.

  All people in target population have an equal chance of being interviewed
  You can easily calculate the margin of sampling error
  Most accurate form of survey research
  Non-response bias can be a problem
  Response rate calculations can be imprecise
  Not everyone has a landline. People who just have a cell phone can be systematically excluded.

Why is this methodology important?

Random-digit dialing is important in election opinion polling because it is has the best chance of capturing the real opinions of others in the population. The respondents are not chosen based on their political views or any other characteristics, which is important to understand when dealing with political polls. Finally, CBS pollsters weight their sample according to Census demographics to try to get an accurate, representative sample.
by Lauren Cuddy


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