Monday, September 26, 2016

TV Dramas Have Fewer Women Behind the Scenes

Viewers noticed that in the 2016 Emmy broadcast actor nominees had vignettes, while actresses did not. Hidden in the drama category was the dearth of female nominees in writing, producing, directing and editing this year.
Women writers, producers, editors and directors made up just a quarter of the nominees this year at the 2016 Emmy Awards. Underrepresentation is nothing new. Research from the Women’s Media Center showed “out of all the nominees nominated, with 44 in writing, directing and producing categories over the past decade, 2,074 of them were women, representing only 22 percent of the total.” 
Even acclaimed shows are lagging. Two shows – the top-nominated Game of Thrones and critical darling Fargo – had neither a female director nor a female writer on their most recent seasons. Also, the popular Game of Thrones, has not had a female director since season four or a female writer since season three.

“Media that is more representative of our society not only fosters a more inclusive industry, but by increasing the number and diversity of female leaders and role models on screen, content creators are affecting the ambitions and career aspirations of young girls and young women everywhere. If she can see it, she can be it." - Geena Davis

by Lauren Cuddy


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